Kydex Holster is a undertaking by MILE Gear. Below is the general information from MILE Gear.

MILE Gear started in 2012 as a result of the continues cut backs within the Ministery of Defense and the National Police.

Between 2009 and 2014 our founder, Lennart Peeters, was active in the Royal Navy and he experienced with his own eyes what the effect is on the quality and quantity of the needed gear as cloths, shoes and eye and ear protection.

As a gear-freak, as they call this in the military world, Lennart has always been very active in gathering adresses and contacts for military gear. And that's how the situation started that Lennart was approached by lots of people for advice.

MILE Gear has a focus for the individual or small group of military personell and law enforcement within Europe with our assortiment of high end military gear. By offering in-house tested we can guarentee that this material lives up to the security demands of our customers. 

If you have any questions regarding our assortiment or items that aren't on the website, please don't hesitate to contact us!

The KHNLD-team


Kydex Holster NLD
Nijverheidstraat 4P
3144 CL Maassluis
The Netherlands

Kydex Holster
e-Mail: [email protected]
Telefoon: 0031 (0)10 3030 800 - Ma/Vr: 0900-1700
KVK: 66377242
BTW: NL001302147B96
IBAN: NL39 INGB 0005 3253 94

Bank address: ING Bank N.V.
Foreign Operations
PO Box 1800
1000 BV Amsterdam